Brenda Hendrickson, Frugal Brenda LLC
Tax Services Accounting
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Third Product or Service : Frugal Brenda Goes Artsy
Description of your company : Brenda Hendrickson is an award winning businesswoman. Changing times and environment has helped her to be more educated, resolved, and successful. Her various careers encompass the sciences where she received a patent, to entrepreneurship where she founded several businesses and sold a very successful tax practice. Her experiences as a Certified Senior Advisor, accountant and tax preparer, have earned her major acclaims and awards, such as from NJAWBO 2008 Business Woman of the Year, NJBIZ 2009 50 Best Women in Business, and the NJAWBO Teal Heart Award for going above and beyond. She has held elected positions as State Treasurer and President of NJAWBO, Treasurer of the Cedar Grove Education Foundation, VP of Cedar Grove Lions, and volunteer with food kitchen and pantry for local churches. After working with a client who was living beyond her means, gave Brenda had the idea of writing a book on frugality. Her book, How To Be A Frugal Millionaire, was published Spring 2008 just as the worst recession since the depression hit. Her message was clear and simple. We all need to be frugal in order to survive these present and future economic roller coasters. She has brought her message to TV, radio, and other presentations. As a natural instructor she has been given an opportunity to spread her valuable messages on frugality, publishing, and finances. She has taught at Dover Business College, Essex County College, County College of Morris, and held seminars on publishing as a former partner of Woodpecker Press, LLC, publishers. The next generation is important to her. As a wife, mother, and grandmother she has dedicated a chapter in her book to teach children about money. They will have challenges in their lives and having a comfortable feel about money can help them through those times. She leads by example, that everyone can overcome many of life s challenges. She has been exhibiting her abstract paintings for numerous years and have had recently one-woman shows exhibited by Kearny Bank, Morris County Library, West Essex Art Association Juried Show.